Splang Saturday: 3

Ordenador (or-deh-na-DOR) = computer — Do NOT use computadora in Spain, even though it’s popular in Latin America. I made that mistake and my host mom was very quick to correct me.

Coche (KO-cheh) = car — Don’t use carro in Spain, that’s more of a Latin American term

Conducir (kon-doo-THEER) = to drive — Don’t use manejar when referring to driving a car (they way you’d use it in Latin America). In Spain, manejar means “to handle” or “to manage” something. (E.g: Yo quiero conducir. = “I want to drive.” // Sigue estos pasos para manejar el estres. = “Follow these steps to handle/manage stress.”)

Móvil (MO-veel) = cell phone — Don’t use celular in Spain, for the same reason as carro.

Bocadillo (bo-ka-DEE-yo) = sandwich; snack

Chino (CHEE-no) = a cheap convenience store, usually open a bit later than most other stores. I love ‘em. They get their name because most of these stores are owned by Asians. I “know people” who bought a bottle of wine for 1 Euro from a chino. 😛

Guiri (GEE-ree) = foreigner — This is what Spaniards call you behind your back. Or to your face. Your Spanish friends might use it with you as a term of endearment. (Pronunciation notes: it’s a hard “g” like in the word “guide”; the “r” is pronounced almost like a soft “d” (like the letter “t” in “water” — most U.S. Americans don’t say “wah-ter,” it’s more like “wah-der”); and the word is said very quickly, at around the same pace you would use for the words “itty” and “bitty”)